---TO-DO LIST---

Hello!! Welcome to my corner of the web, my name is Stup! This is my little spot to post art & learn about web development, hope you'll stick around!
Feel free to click around & take a look at what I offer, or follow my profile/bookmark this site to keep tabs!!

These are my main OCs from left to right: Sal, John (owned by my wonderful partner Ka), Vox, Sarah, Kasai, and Tyro. I love them with all of my heart.

I hope you enjoy your time here...




Guess I might as well do a journal, it sounds fun lol. I'll try to be regular with these entries, if i have anything interesting to talk about. I've been thinking about trying to read the Bible someday; i'm not religious, but the story hits hard sometimes. Also been playing Tekken 8 & trying to learn Yoshimitsu, he's hard but fun! I really gotta get more art out soon... ...And also do more stuff for this site lol.


Got some more progress done on commissions, posted one of them in the art gallery. Today i've just been feeling down... I tried starting on the Bible. Forgot how weird it was written lol. I think soon i'll try experimenting with some backgrounds, see what else can work. May have to change the background of these boxes though; i love the gradient, but the white text might get hard to read...


It's gonna be an early day for me. Got a little bit of work done on commissions, and got the code set up for changing backgrounds, I'm just feeling out of it. Not very proud of my recent art output either. There's always tomorrow, i guess... EDIT: Forgot to add this earlier. All of the support & help i've gotten for the website is so very much appreciated..


Got a commission done, but i've mostly just been laying in bed sick. Not really much to note otherwise.


Tomorrow i'm probably gonna be heading to the doctor; after i got sick, my left ear's been feeling clogged & muffled. Otherwise, i got some practice done with scanlines, i love those things lol. Also got back into N64 emulation, might have to put a few more games on the backlog now...


Update about my left ear: It is thankfully not any kind of infection. It seems that my Eustachian tubes (the ones that connect the back of your throat to your inner ear) most likely got backed up from how SHIT my sinuses are! I'll have to start religiously investing in sinus relief meds & stuff like that to help with it, so my hearing should be back to normal in short order. ...also for some reason finding that out costed almost 1000 BUCKS. I completely understand universal healthcare now, the US healthcare system is SO shit...


Inner peace... my ear is feeling relatively normal again. The sinus stuff has worked, and I will keep using it to make sure I don't go through this again. It's so nice listening to music again...


Sorry for the lack of journal entries, just felt like I didn't have much of note to talk about. My sinuses have been feeling a lot better lately, and I can hear perfectly fine again. I've also been making some edits to the site, mostly trying to make it more mobile-friendly with size changing & all that. Always brainstorming ideas for it too... at some point I REALLY wanna figure out 3D modeling, I would be unstoppable if I had a model of my OCs. Only problem is that i have no experience with moodeling like that lol...


...So I'm getting experience with 3D modeling.. turns out it's not that bad: it'll take me a bit to absorb everything fully, but it's fun too! I'm just following a tutorial for how to model a donut scene, but i think once I get this down, Tyro will be next >:)


Made some more progress on Blender, I'm learning about this stupidly versatile tool called Geometry Nodes; it's letting me make sprinkles. I've also been getting getting through art... otherwise, haven't had much to say.


Sorry for my sudden absence... I have way too much IRL baggage that can't fit on this site, and it hit pretty hard. For now, though, I'm back.. slowly realizing trying to worry about it & keep a grudge just isn't worth it, I have too much stuff to worry about instead. ...On a brighter note, I tried Fightcade yesterday. Decided to main Akuma/Gouki in SFIII: 3rd Strike, he's both pretty complex (emphasis on setplay & pressure), yet simple to me (i don't have to worry about EX moves, as Akuma/Gouki doesn't have any.) & I'm having fun learning the game. Unfortunately, haven't made much progress with Blender...

also found this fidget ring thanks to my brother & cousin... I really gotta buy this.
SMALL UPDATE: now i wanna try video editing lmao


So I tried video editing... had some issues with it before 'cuz the software I used didn't work all that well, but now it's perfect. And thanks to getting OBS, now I can record whatever I wish. This'll be fun, i'm learning how to draw, 3D model, and edit vids all at the same time lmao. In other news, the FCC reinstated net neutrality. If you weren't aware, it means that Internet Service Providers will now have to treat every site equally no matter where they're from; without it, ISPs could block sites, or charge fees for using that site. This is very much a good a thing, I'm so glad the fight for a really free internet is still going strong.


Twitter has decided: my next video/playthrough will be of my favorite game, Sonic Riders. Had to hunt down some effects for it, for some reason my OBS was making the intro of the game sound bad... hopefully the recording goes well, this is gonna be an experience for sure lol


So, I know I said that my next vid was going to be of Sonic Riders.... but I saw a youtube video about this FPS on Steam & I really needed to try it, especially because there's a demo. Editing it so far has been fun, I've got some good ideas for a banger video... at least I hope lol.


The new video's already a banger, got my first hate comment (?) on it saying they pity me for finding "peek-a-boo" shooters fun... Your guess as to what that means is as good as mine. Regardless, I will keep pushing forward; I gotta ACTUALLY start working on the Sonic Riders video & a part 2 of my Out of Action gameplay... you should subscribe, my channel's here.


Sorry for lack of updates, got busy & kind of overwhelmed with stuff for a few days... I've been trying to do art for friends & work on the videos I wanna make, haven't had much luck. On the plus side, I now have a Toyhouse account, my OCs are on there. Nevermind, Toyhouse sucks, the account will be private :(


Finally taking a risk & trying commissions again; i haven't done them for a while out of fear of being overwhelmed, and i really need some money lol. Still trying to think of any changes i could make to this site, at the moment i'm completely happy with it... On another note, I'm sure you've heard about the massive Helldivers 2 debacle where almost 70% of the world was essentially banned from buying the game cuz Playstation Network doesn't exist in those territories... Well, Sony finally walked it back, they aren't going through with it. I am very grateful, but man... Fuck Sony, can't believe i was a fan of those jackasses. Probably not gonna buy any of their games for a looonnggg while lmao


Im so very close to getting my medical bill paid, just gotta get a few more bucks sorted... in the meantime, i've been getting into stuff like GZDOOM; it's a fun way to play DOOM & other DOOM clones. I also am trying out stuff like the PC ports of Perfect Dark & Majora's Mask. It is incredibly cool that these old N64 games are getting these recompilations & ports... kinda wish i got into game coding lol.

UPDATE: gonna try animating something lol


I just started reading a web-comic (i barely do that) called Pink Among Blood Red Roses, by a friend on twitter named @PaisleyRose103... ....Please read it, it's so damn cool.


Currently Armored Core brained. That's gonna be my next video, i couldn't resist lmao. As for my medical bill... I don't need donations, but it'll take time to pay it.. mostly cuz they lied about how much i owed lmao. Speaking of, getting commissions done... yeah i don't have much to talk about today.


My fidget ring finally arrived... I love it lol, it's very fun & calming to mess with. Definitely helps my stress with trying to record this Armored Core vid...


...I am currently getting obsessed with Armored Core. If I could, I'd remodel this whole site to look like the main menu of AC2 lmao.


My Armored Core video's doing pretty good, it seems like people are interested in watching more of it. ...on a very slightly less positive note, my main drawing program paint.net hasn't been working for me these past few days; it has a nasty bug where it's flickering when I zoom in & use a tool. For the time being, I'm trying something out called Firealpaca.. it's definitely a lot different from what i'm used to, but I like it. Hopefully I'll be able to knock these commissions out with it, I don't wanna dissapoint them. UPDATE: Twitter decided to lock my account for breaking the rules... even though I haven't done anything lmao. Dumb-asses running that place.


I'm making a lot of progress with Blender, finally learned rigging & animation with a 3D model. Soon, I'm gonna learn how to do texturing, & then I'll be able to make my Tyro model. I'm also getting comms done, hopefully I'll be done soon & can do more art for me.


Probably won't talk for a while. family fighting has sapped my will to do anything. just trying to drown everything out so i can be at peace for a little bit.


feeling a little bit better.


Sorry for the silence, been focused on myself & trying to get art done. Debating when I should open commissions...


If you looked through the links page on here, you probably noticed how many recompilation & PC port projects I've been finding. I've been really getting into them lately; the idea of taking an old game, breaking it down into tiny pieces, then making those pieces readable enough to where they could be played on something else without emulation is so interesting & cool, even if I don't get what's going on. I assume it's been happening with Doom given all the memes about it.. but seeing Perfect Dark & even Jak & Daxter working like this? It blows my mind... I hope someday every game gets this kind of treatment.


...So Summer Game Fest was pretty damn good this year lol.


Nothing new to report, just been trying to get back to normal after one of my cats passed away recently. Haven't talked about it much just because i've been trying to cope.


I am running low on hard drive space... I have a bit of a problem with hoarding ISO files for my emulators lol. There's a chance I'll never play the games, or I won't like 'em, but i can't help but want to keep them anyway.


Existing has been stressing me out. Sometimes i feel like trying to do art for a living was a mistake... it's been even worse once generative AI stuff got popular. A friend says that i worry too much, she might be right, i don't know.


I'm going to try & make more Youtube videos, I figured out the gimmick for the channel: I'm going to post gameplay of whatever I think looks cool to convince people to try out stuff they wouldn't think twice about. Going to start with 2 Dreamcast games, then a randomizer for Kingdom Hearts 2. ...I've also been slowly getting over the death of my cat, at least a little bit, It still hurts knowing she's gone..


I thought of one joke, and now I made some really good progress on my Jet Set Radio video.


WE ARE GETTING A NEW SEGA CONSOLE BEFORE YANDERE SIMULATOR FINISHED DEVELOPMENT. The cancelled Sega Neptune (a fusion of the Mega Drive & failed 32X) is being released by a Brazillian company called GamesCare, and it's getting HDMI, Internet, SD card, & even Sega CD support. Talk about one hell of a way to start the month lmao.


Happy 4th of July lol. ...Anyway, more importantly i found a collection of [LEGALLY OBTAINED] Sega Genesis games, over 1000 in fact! SOMEHOW, it all added up to just over a single gigabyte in size... no really, it's just 1GB. It is wild lol, even a phone could hold all of the games.


Not feeling good.


Aside from doing art as my main job, my other dream is to make my own fighting game, with all of my OCs & some of my friends. Today i got attacked by the thought of 'I could start it right now with Godot.'


Been doing a lot the past few days. I'm trying to learn how to make games in Godot, I'm still working on that Vectorman video, I'm trying to work on art more. I still need to man up & open commission soon, but this is the busiest i've ever been art & creative-wise... and honestly, it feels nice.


Thinking about moving this journal over to a new page to save on real estate & so you don't have to load so much. Speaking of speaking, i'm trying to use Newground now, under the name stupidgamer201. I feel so dumb for not using my account sooner, it's so cool.


I was bored, so I decided to re-install this fighting game called Toribash, where you control every joint of your character. It's such a good game, I highly recommend it; it's even free too. I'm also fully committed to posting on Newgrounds now, it's such a nice art website. Way more uplifting than twitter. It works a lot better too, there's been at least one technical issue with Twitter every day & i'm starting to get sick of it.


I'm sure some people noticed, but.. Yesterday was my birthday. I'm now officially 22 years old. I like keeping my birthdays loy-key; never had a huge birthday before & i'm not about to start having one. That said... it was nice.


I'm sorry for no updates. Been busy & overwhelmed with IRL stuff to keep up with the site besides posting art. Sorry about that. I've been trying to focus on beating different games, 3D modeling again, and commissions... commissions haven't been the most successful. Neither has beating the games, but at least I've been having better luck/fun playing them. I've also been playing Skyrim without mods; it's been the most fun i've had with the game in ages.


So, Twitter has been banned from Brazil. Elon was asked by the Brazilian government to put a government rep in place on the Twitter team, as well as stop promoting misinformation & propaganda... Elon outright refused to do it, and so EVERY SINGLE BRAZILIAN ACCOUNT WAS EFFECTIVELY BANNED FROM TWITTER. I am safe since I live in the middle of the US, but that sucks for everyone else... on the plus side, all of the Brazilians are moving to Bluesky, so I'm gonna try to post there more.


Update on the Bluesky situation: I am loving it. I'm very much wanting to make it my main social media & delete my Twitter, for 2 reasons: 1) I am no longer enjoying my time on there, and 2) it's a sinking ship of racism & hatred. Bluesky's so much more chill & authentic, two likes on Twitter (failure of a tweet) & Bluesky (this post doing numbers) feel so different. For now though, I have to keep Twitter around, at least until the rumors that the EU wants to ban Twitter become real... In the meantime, been playing Fallout New Vegas & Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order, both have been really fun.


Haven't been feeling good for the past few days. Ended up playing Dark Souls II for a while. Even with the usual Souls-like stress, it's a very peaceful game, helps ease my mind. The song of Majula especially.


Ok, so a lot has happened. In order... 1) Finally finished a new Youtube video about Star Wars. 2) Trying to work on commissions. 3) Going through a crisis about if I'm playing Elden Ring wrong. 4) Deleted my Twitter accounts. That last one's pretty big, but honestly, it was worth it. I just don't want to deal with that place anymore.


Man, I've been super stressed about money & trying to find a job for the past few days. Aside from that, I just haven't been having much to say... I need to try & work on a new video, I want to make storage space for some more games.